41% use Linkedin as their favoured social network to find a new job

In a recent poll to find out which social network users favoured to use when finding a new job, Linkedin came out on top. 41% of respondents said they would prefer to use it over Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

TipTopJob’s survey also found that Facebook was the second most favoured social network with 32% saying they preferred it. Twitter was the least popular with only 3% of users using it and Google+, 24%.

Most people are aware that the best way to find a new job is through networking which is why the social networks have become an increasingly popular place to start given that is it so easy and available 24/7. Each of the networks bring their own merits and usefulness to the table but when it comes to looking for a job we wanted to find out what people thought about them.

Linkedin is the most obvious place to start as a professional. It allows you to link in with other people, update your own professional profile, do company searches, contact people and update your own status. It is a “business” network and therefore most commonly seen as the best place to start looking for a new job. Mike Dauncey adds, “Linkedin is more commonly used amongst certain industries like Engineering, IT and higher end roles over those blue collar workers and careers in, for example, the Health sector so it will be more popular for certain industries.”

Facebook and Twitter are more for “social” uses and allow connections of friends rather than just business associates. Although they allow you to follow companies of interest, see job postings, network etc and can be useful for some in finding a new opportunity, Linkedin seems to be the most popular choice still. Google+ is becoming ever more popular given it is a Google product and works in a similar way to the other networks.

Have you found a new job through a social network? Which one? Let us know.